Sunday, April 9, 2017

Scandinavian Design, and much more

Hello blog friends, how are you today?  Sometimes I feel like one of the Whos in Whoville shouting "We are here, we are her, we are here!" to my large internet friends. :)  Leave a comment please and let me know you're listening. Thanks!
Queen Carolyn of Ladonia, taken in 2011, All Hale the Queen!
Today I'm dreaming of dreamy Scanadinavian design destinations... we are going home this summer and I'm planning an itenerary up the Western Coast to Göteborg.  It's not far to go, three hours on the train from Malmö, but I may extend it a day by stopping off in Angelholm to see this weird and wonderful sight: Nimis in the micronation of Ladonia. Artist Lars Vilks built this surreal castaway city close to Kullaberg.  It's reputed to be hard to find but I hope that we'll be able to get down there and poke around. Doesn't it look cool?
Lars Vilks is the Swedish artist who needs bodyguards because of a piece of art that he did regarding Muhammed.   My mother saw him speak and he was hustled off the stage by the guards.  We think that's an awful way to live.  It seems strange that an artist, who by definition pushes boundaries, should be muzzled in Sweden.  Maybe that's why he made the free micronation of Ladonia?

At any rate, we know that even Sweden, a bastion of acceptance in this cruel world, is not above these terrors and our hearts go out to the people of Stockholm this week and always. 💛💙💛
Good luck to the Swedish police in solving the horrible crime.

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