Thousands to Gather at Boston Common in March for Science
BOSTON – This Saturday, Apr. 22, 2017, folks from across New England will join together on the Boston Common in support of science. The non-partisan March for Science celebrates the discovery, understanding, and sharing of scientific knowledge as crucial to the success, health, and safety of the human race. Thousands are expected to participate in Boston and across the country, with the main event happening on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
“Boston is known as an innovative city where science and scientific research are paramount, and the enthusiasm and response to the March for Science have been inspiring,” said Kim Hokanson, co-chair of March for Science Boston. “We are excited to welcome teachers, scientists, parents, families, artists, musicians, and more to participate in this important and inspiring day.”
The program will run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and includes live music, kids’ activities, and compelling speakers from diverse personal and professional backgrounds – including a Nobel Laureate, teachers, business leaders, K-12 essay contest winners and more. The speakers will present three main schools of thought: Looking Outward (policy-making, funding, etc.); Looking Inward (improving inclusion, bettering communication with the public); and Inspirational Stories of Science Improving the World. Notable speakers include former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, famous geneticist George Church, and Nobel Laureate Dudley Herschbach. BABAM and Second Line will perform live music every half hour.
“We unite as a diverse, nonpartisan group to celebrate Boston as a space for scientists and scientific research in five targeted areas: communication, funding, policy, literacy, and improvement,” said co-chair Ashley Ciulla. “In these critical times for our country, we join together to urge policy, educational, and community leaders to put science at the forefront when making decisions.”
Joining the rally at Boston Common are numerous satellite marches originating from the campuses of Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, MIT, Northeastern, Boston University, and Tufts. There are also marches planned from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Boston Public Library. More information about the March for Science Boston and affiliated events and partners can be found at: http://marchforscienceboston.com/.
For media credentials and to set up interviews, please visit http://bit.ly/2pyJFo3 or contact Elizabeth Thomas Crocker at press@marchforscienceboston.com.
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