This is the night that Swedes gather round a jolly good bonfire and celebrate the spring. OK, why you ask? Well here's what my friend Wikipedia says: Walpurgis bonfires are part of a Swedish tradition dating back to the early 18th century. At Walpurgis (Valborg), farm animals were let out to graze and bonfires (majbrasor, kasar) lit to scare away predators.
Tomorrow there will be song and First of May celebrations. We're having one at our school actually and I can't wait to see the chldren in their flower crowns. Happy May Day to all! 🌹🌸🌷🌼🌻🌺
Greetings! Today we are standing for science at the "March for Science Boston". (It's actually not a march, they learned from the Women's March how the Commons can turn into a trap if overwhelmed, so we'll all be standing and rallying for science.) It's a great cause and one we're happy to support in this household. Personally I'm excited to try all the children's display booths (and hopefully get some great swag for my classroom) in addition, of course, to supporting science and real facts! Here's the press release if you'd like to know more. Live Long and Prosper!
Thousands to Gather at Boston Common in March for Science
BOSTON – This Saturday, Apr. 22, 2017, folks from across New England will join together on the Boston Common in support of science. The non-partisan March for Science celebrates the discovery, understanding, and sharing of scientific knowledge as crucial to the success, health, and safety of the human race. Thousands are expected to participate in Boston and across the country, with the main event happening on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
“Boston is known as an innovative city where science and scientific research are paramount, and the enthusiasm and response to the March for Science have been inspiring,” said Kim Hokanson, co-chair of March for Science Boston. “We are excited to welcome teachers, scientists, parents, families, artists, musicians, and more to participate in this important and inspiring day.”
The program will run from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and includes live music, kids’ activities, and compelling speakers from diverse personal and professional backgrounds – including a Nobel Laureate, teachers, business leaders, K-12 essay contest winners and more. The speakers will present three main schools of thought: Looking Outward (policy-making, funding, etc.); Looking Inward (improving inclusion, bettering communication with the public); and Inspirational Stories of Science Improving the World. Notable speakers include former EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, famous geneticist George Church, and Nobel Laureate Dudley Herschbach. BABAM and Second Line will perform live music every half hour.
“We unite as a diverse, nonpartisan group to celebrate Boston as a space for scientists and scientific research in five targeted areas: communication, funding, policy, literacy, and improvement,” said co-chair Ashley Ciulla. “In these critical times for our country, we join together to urge policy, educational, and community leaders to put science at the forefront when making decisions.”
Joining the rally at Boston Common are numerous satellite marches originating from the campuses of Harvard University, Harvard Medical School, MIT, Northeastern, Boston University, and Tufts. There are also marches planned from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Boston Public Library. More information about the March for Science Boston and affiliated events and partners can be found at:
Thank you Tessa Clogs for such cute clogs. With removable painted straps they are unique and very comfortable. And great for gardening and the daffodils are finally coming up so out I go!
Happy Easter everyone, here I am sick in bed while the birds are twittering outside and the sun finally come to visit. Oh well, the kids are picking up the slack and Handsome Hubby is buying Easter candy as we "speak". Pretty lucky lady I know despite not feeling well. I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend with friends and family!
There was a love manifestation today in Stockholm with tens of thousands of people, and at 2;53 pm they held a silent minute. How strange that right around that time I was thinking of John Lennon's song "Imagine" and that message it portrays of loving and not hating. Look at this picture. People gave flowers to the police, and everyone held in their hearts a feeling of love towards one another and the four deceased who were killed on Friday by the deranged truck driver. I can imagine that it was very powerful to be there, just like the song. 💗
Imagine there's no heaven It's easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one I hope some day you'll join us And the world will be as one
Hello blog friends, how are you today? Sometimes I feel like one of the Whos in Whoville shouting "We are here, we are her, we are here!" to my large internet friends. :) Leave a comment please and let me know you're listening. Thanks!
Queen Carolyn of Ladonia, taken in 2011, All Hale the Queen!
Today I'm dreaming of dreamy Scanadinavian design destinations... we are going home this summer and I'm planning an itenerary up the Western Coast to Göteborg. It's not far to go, three hours on the train from Malmö, but I may extend it a day by stopping off in Angelholm to see this weird and wonderful sight: Nimis in the micronation of Ladonia. Artist Lars Vilks built this surreal castaway city close to Kullaberg. It's reputed to be hard to find but I hope that we'll be able to get down there and poke around. Doesn't it look cool?
Lars Vilks is the Swedish artist who needs bodyguards because of a piece of art that he did regarding Muhammed. My mother saw him speak and he was hustled off the stage by the guards. We think that's an awful way to live. It seems strange that an artist, who by definition pushes boundaries, should be muzzled in Sweden. Maybe that's why he made the free micronation of Ladonia?
At any rate, we know that even Sweden, a bastion of acceptance in this cruel world, is not above these terrors and our hearts go out to the people of Stockholm this week and always. 💛💙💛
Good luck to the Swedish police in solving the horrible crime.
This from the Local, a record number of Swedish's municipalities turned off the lights on Earth Hour which was on 3/25/17 from 8:30 - 9:30 PM. Next year it will be held on Saturday, March 24th. I'm marking my calendar! This year I wasn't aware of the event. (Actually we had a power outage so actually we did unwittingly contibute.) :)
No matter what you think of climate change the truth is that we use too much of the earth's precious resources. A simple thing like turning off the lights can make a difference. Read more on Earth Hour. Here's a wonderfully inspiring video from WWF for those of you who are interested: