Saturday, November 7, 2015

Balmain line at H&M

H&M, the Swedish super store, has unveiled and sold out of their new Balmain inspired line.  Read more here if you wish on the pieces and their prices (which are quite high for H&M) at Forbes . Good thing I'm not in need of a red tipped faux fur or a rhinestone bedecked dress.  All I can say when I see this line is "Is it the '80's again?"  All you need are some serious shoulder pads and we're in the 'Hot Tub Time Machine'.  (I trust you know that's a movie where they go back to the 80's. )
And I'm sorry but just 'cause you have Gigi Hadid and Kylie Jenner does not mean your ad campaign rocks.  As Tim Gunn said, she could be very nice but she's "tainted by the Kardasian aura of yucky".  (Tim Gunn slams Kardasians etc.)

Here's a young Swedish lady who can rock anything but even on her Balmain looks frumpy.  Sorry Kensas!  You are beautiful but not loving the look.  See for more about this Stockholm fashion blogger.  So bottom-line, Balmain at H&M strikes out in my book, but Hot Tub Time Machine now that's a funny movie. :)

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