Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day

Hopefully you are doing something nice with a loved one today.  We tend to make every holiday a big stressful moment in the States but this one is usually low-key in our house.  One thing I do like to do though is to make the kids school Valentine's Day cards instead of buying them.  I just think it's a great way to work some more arts and crafts into our busy lives, and the snow days we just had were the perfect opportunity for my youngest and I to create.
getting kitchen ready for crafts
pieces of crayon
they're slowly melting in the oven
For her cards we made crayons for classmates from leftover crayons that I had saved for many years (sometimes being a pack rack is a good thing). We melted them in some beautiful Swedish baking forms that my mother gave me which are usually used for whipped cream topped goodies called "mandelmusslor" (recipe). Make sure you spray your forms with baking spray!  (You could use jello molds too.) Bake at the lowest setting like 170 for 15 minutes.

After the multicolored new crayons hardened we popped them out, added hearts and put into plastic bags for each of the kids.  We could have written something like: "For crayon out loud be my Valentine", or "You color my world" but K. wisely decided against that. She's smart like that, unlike me. ;-)
Glad Alla Hjärtans Dag!

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