Monday, December 22, 2014


Here's an eerie and sweet song by the Swedish band Garmarna called "Euchari".  The lyrics are really special, check them out in English below.  This song makes me think of Christmas because when I was a girl I sang songs such as these (often with a one verse in Latin that went on and on) in Domkyrkan's choir. The church located in Lund is really special and as you can imagine singing the Christmas service there was intense.  The history that seemed to steep through the stone floors and the clear, cold air with the scent of candles and the flickering of their light combined to make it an experience that I'll never forget.


O Euchari In leta via
The sun's warmth dripped into you
Like the fragrance of balsam
The sun's warmth dripped into me
Like the fragrance of balsam
All moving things breath steadily
Sweeping across the ground
The sun's warmth dripped into you
Like the fragrance of balsam
O Euchari In leta via
Your hands reach out for me
In the heat of our longing.
My hands reach out for you
In the heat of our longing.
All moving things breath calmly
Sweeping across the ground.
Your hands reach out for me
In the heat of our longing.
O Euchari In leta via

Read more about about Lund's Domkyrkan in English.

And here's a photo of me holding up the pillar with the wife of
Giant Finn in the crypt.  I don't know if it's sacriledge but I like to think that even the heros, archbishops, kings and queens lying in the tombs below ground appreciate a little levity now and then.

A 1.000 year old rock with a carving of a Varangian on it.  Domkyrkan was consecrated in 1145.
From Domkyrkan's site, this gives you an idea of the service at Christmas.

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