Sunday, December 29, 2013

Back to IKEA

The classic get a couple bucks-run to IKEA-scenario played out today.  Leaving handsome hubby (HH) and "well behaved" children at home I made a mad dash to the store of blue and yellow for some rugs and other assorted items.  I came home with a "Kvartal" system making HH pull out the little hair he has left.  This thing is confusing.  Have you ever noticed how their drawing which are supposed to be good for everyone - kind of the "Esperanto " of instructions actually leave everyone confused?  Let me show you:

16 pages of this later.... ta, da!  We did it!  I like the updated bed with curtains look that we got using the åkerkulla motive (which I like a lot, note pillow.)  It reminds me of "kurbits" which I write about here, Modern Day Kurbits

It's kind of a new take on a Carl Larsson bed and hopefully it will bring your eye down so you don't get confused by the funky ceiling we have in our bedroom. Cozy like.  I'm so proud of HH who -
A. got it done
B. got it done without blowing a gasket
That in my book equals success.  Here's a link to the product (wrong colors) on the IKEA site in case you're in the mood for some teeth gnashing and hair pulling.  It's a pretty cool product! kvartal  And more on the process below, visually of course. ;-)

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