Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Artistic inspiration and stressing out!

Hi everyone, I'm pulling together my Nordic Niche goodies and many oil paintings to show and hoping to make it fun night for friends.  There will be music, good food, glögg and things for sale including succulents.  I hope that people will see that I can paint and perhaps help me out by buying some of my things so that I have the room to make more!
 Some of my things for sale include Swedish textiles found and made (above).
 Here I am hard at work in the Swedish studio (I work in a basement now). ;-)
This painting is never going to be sold - it's a fond memory of my children on a rock in Gotland.  My babies... so sweet.  This will hang over my desk forever.  Other things will be available for bargain basement prices, tee, hee.  Hope that it's a fun, memorable night! 

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