Wednesday, November 22, 2017

#metoo in Sweden and let the kids stay!

There are several breaking stories in my homeland, and my friends are involved in both! First there is a massive movement to let young refugees without papers stay in Sweden.  Due to the molasses-like movement of the state many children have been there for so many years that they have learned the Swedish language and assimilated into the country. Now, they are being forcibly removed and sent to war torn countries like Afghanistan.  Would YOU want to go if you were them?  Hell no!  One of my friends is part of the effort in Stockholm to stop that from happening and others across the country are trying to find homes for them.  Wish I was there to help.  I have been following it and I'm impressed by the group's commitment and PR savvy.  Just doing my best to help from here by spreading the news.   #låtdeungastanna. facebook:
Welcome to our movement #vistårinteut. Thank you for supporting us by liking our page. Unaccompanied children ran away from life threatening situations and events. They are strong and fantastic - they survived!  The long approvals and waiting in the asylum process is what is breaking them down. We can change that. #letthekidsstay (my translation)
Another important issue that is being taken up just this week concerns the #metoo movement.  Despite Sweden's reputation of being a safe country for women there are nonetheless people who will use their power and sexually assault women either verbally or physically.  Actresses around the country stood up to the abuse and read the real stories of those afflicted on the stage.  One of my friends from Skanör-Falsterbo was involved in this no doubt incredibly moving and poignant event in Malmö. 
#tystnadtagning at Malmo Stadsteatern, November 20
I love how my sisters in Sweden are standing up to the abusers of power and fighting for young people and women.  I feel so powerless in this big, bad country that I live in where your vote doesn't really seem to matter.  It's great that the Weinstein debacle has pushed forward the sexual predators and abusers.  Judging from the list of friends posting #metoo on Facebook it seems that sexual abuse is much more prevalent that anyone could have guessed and no one need be ashamed and hold it in anymore. We need to teach our children to look out for the creeps and speak up!  

I told my 15 year old son about the news anchor's son who allegadly got groped at a Nantucket bar by Kevin Spacey. My son could barely look at me.  He didn't want to talk about it.  Yes, it's upsetting my dears but it happens and evidently all around the world so speak up!  It's time to pull that disgusting bandaid off and disinfect! Good luck in your efforts friends. It's important work that you do!

12000 Swedish women demand zero tolerance for sexual harassment:
6000 lawyers #medvilkenrätt
2200 musicians #närmusikentystnar
1300 politicians #imaktenskorridorer
1100 in tech #teknisktfel
700 actresses #tystnadtagning
700 singers #visjungerut
550 actresses #stilleforopptak

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