So many blogs, such little time! Happy Fall everyone! I hope that you're having a wonderful time sipping pumpkin spice lattes and heading out apple picking. I'm in the process of writing up a Swedish Folk Art online class and I launched a new website. Check it out! I'm really excited to share this fun art style with others: June I hosted a "Midsummer Madness" class at Museum of Old Newbury with 20 participants, they all had a lot of fun too and I got rave reviews which was very kind. We were fortunate to have had the support of the museum and access to their amazing gardens. We were lucky to have that to help our paintings come alive and everyone had fun coming up with their folk art paintings
As my work in this field progresses I will keep you informed, here's what I wrote in May on my art blog about the Seacoast Art Spot class that I held in May, The women in that class were fantastic! It was a four week class so we had a lot of time to explore other mediums as well as the basic kurbits gourd. We used shoes, wood to make signs, painted Dalahorses and completed a painting. They were on fire!

After this class I took a well-deserved break in Sweden with my mom, husband and my extended family. It's always a huge treat to get back to Skåne with its amazing food, views, walks, people and culture. I had a wonderful break and headed back to sell art locally. Guess what, the folk art was well received and I sold three of my kurbits-inspired work! Let me know if you want one too. Tack!
Tack VASA order for a fun conference in Philadelphia too!