I am always interested in the pomp and circumstance surrounding the Nobel Prizes. It's a side of Sweden you don't often see but sometimes the fancy dresses and full tuxes are dusted off and jewels added to make a spectacular sight. The King and Queen clean up nicely, and everyone dresses the part. It is something that even average Swedes enjoy at times at special occasions such as parties at a "gille" (lodge) or getting your "doctorand" (PHD). This is a picture of the Swedish royal family is at the 2018 ball, soon we will see their fashion choices for 2019.

Here's a list of all the Nobel Prize winner. Congratulations to all! It's a huge honor and comes with a nice cash prize. Plus, little known fact, Lucia and her "tärnor" (helpers) wake them up with song and goodies to celebrate their winnings in the most Swedish way possible, St. Lucia. :)
And, breaking news, here's this years get-up