Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Woot, a successful class! 10% off too!

We had a wonderful time at Kurbits 101! This is my demo on making the details pop.

Eight fantastic people joined me on May 6th - some were artists, others hadn't held a brush in a while, but everyone had fun and were all very proud of their work.
Here you can see how different their kurbits gourds look despite having traced the same swoop. It all come down to the color choices and the details!
I love how this man chose to make his extra-Swedish! Great idea.
The sun was streaming in and I made fika for all to share. We chatted and enjoyed the company while people had some "vetebröd" fresh from my kitchen. Here's a link for the recipe. 💛
A quiet hush crept over the classroom as everyone focused on their art. Fleetwood Mac played in the background, and it was a beautiful peaceful scene - just as I had hoped.
It was an honor to teach all of these artists. I did manage to sneak in a little history, but mainly they made the drives from RI, the Cape, Marlborough and nearby locations to paint!
Happy Mother's Day! By the way, I am offering 10 percent off all paintings at the Grog at 13 Middle Street in Newburyport for Mother's Day in addition to the coupon you got at class! There are many beautiful ones that your mom might enjoy so if you've seen one that you love, or you are looking for a special gift please inquire on my website and I will give you the discount. All prices are listed with my bio on a hook next to this painting "The Empress" Good until May 15. 

I love sharing art with you and ai look forward to the next class. I think freehand flowers is a good next step. What do you think? Will you join me for Kurbits flowers? Be well Swedish Folk Art Lovers and thank you again for coming! Tack! Tina

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Slow Living Lagom and Fika

  "Hygge" by Tina Rawson What goes around comes around. We Swedes have known that doing things in a balanced fashion, and making t...